Bad Spire cards

Hot PotatoSpecialSkill5 (4)A random creature loses 1 Strength. Repeat until all creatures have the same Strength. Exhaust.
Information ParadoxSpecialSkill5 (4)Replace ALL cards in your hand, draw, discard, exhaust piles, and deck with random cards. Play ALL of them. Exhaust.
Ritual ScrollSpecialSkill0Draw 1 cards. If Fatal, permanently increase this card's draw by 1. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
The MistSpecialSkill5 (4)Play a copy of ALL other colourless cards you played this combat. Exhaust.
AcidUncommonSkill0Apply 2 Frail (to ALL enemies).
BackthoughtUncommonSkill0Exhaust a (any number of) card(s). It (They) costs 0 this combat.
Banana PeelUncommonSkill1Apply 0 (1) Weak for each Attack in your hand. Apply 0 (1) Vulnerable for each Skill in your hand.
Cerebellum BlastUncommonAttack2 (1)Innate. Deal damage equal to the number of cards in your exhaust pile.
Conjure MirageUncommonSkill2 (1)Obtain a potion that gains block equal to your current Block. Lose all Block. End your turn. Exhaust.
Dead WeightUncommonSkill3 (2)Enemy loses 1 Strength for each card in your hand. Exhaust.
DescentUncommonSkill1Upgrade all cards in your exhaust pile. Exhaust.
DislegUncommonSkill1Enemy loses 2 (3) Dexterity.
Gain MomentumUncommonSkill2 (1)Discard your hand. Obtain a potion that draws cards equal to the number of cards discarded. Exhaust.
InspirationUncommonSkill0Draw 1.5 cards. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Light ShacklesUncommonSkill0Enemy loses 9 (15) Dexterity this turn. Exhaust.
OpticsUncommonSkill2Gain 8 (11) Block. The next colourless card you play costs 0.
OrbitUncommonSkillXDraw X (X+1) cards.
Panic TickboxUncommonAttack0Deal 30 (40) damage. You cannot deal damage with cards for 2 turns. Exhaust.
Polarised LensUncommonSkill1Draw 3 (5) cards. Discard all cards in your hand that are not colourless cards.
Queen of All TradesUncommonSkill0Add 1 (2) random card(s) into your hand. Exhaust.
Snecko RollUncommonSkill0Randomise the cost of cards in your hand (twice).
Take a ChanceUncommonSkill0Permanently remove 1 (2) random card(s) from your deck. Exhaust.
Touch of ChaosUncommonSkillXPlay the top X (X+1) cards of your draw pile.
UncertaintyUncommonSkill1Shuffle your draw pile 4 (6) times.
Card BombRareSkill2At the end of 3 turns, draw 7 (10) cards.
CocoonRareSkill2Shuffle 3 (5) random Powers into your draw pile. They cost 0 this combat. Exhaust.
CollectRareSkill1Apply 1 (2) Weak. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable. Apply 1 (2) Frail. Apply 1 (2) Constricted.
DebilitateRareSkill2Enemy loses 1 (2) Strength, Dexterity, and Focus. Apply 1 (2) Weak, Vulnerable, Lock-On, and Frail.
Die DieRareAttack1Deal 17 (25) damage to all but one enemy. Exhaust.
EndosporeRareSkill1Innate. Ethereal. Set your max HP to 1. At the end of the combat, gain 4 (6) max HP and permanently remove all copies of this card.
Fish GameRarePower2 (1)At the start of your turn, permanently add 1 random card to your deck.
Flash of InsightRareSkillXNext turn, lose X [E] and obtain a potion that gains X (+ 1) energy. Exhaust.
GastrulationRareSkill2Shuffle 3 (5) random colourless cards into your draw pile. They cost 0 this combat. Exhaust.
Infinity MirrorRareSkill4 (3)Choose a card. Replace ALL cards in your hand, draw, discard, and exhaust piles with copies of it. Exhaust.
Instant MayhemRareSkillXPlay X (X+1) random cards.
King of All TradesRareSkill0Permanently add 1 (2) random card(s) into your deck.
LightRareSkill0Put 3 (4) random colourless cards from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
PeaceRareSkill0Put 3 (4) random Skills from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
PhotocopyRareSkill1The next (!M!) colourless card(s) you play this turn is (are) played twice.
RenewRareAttack2Permanently remove all cards in your deck. Deal 10 (14) damage for each card removed. Exhaust.
Secret AuraRareSkill0Put a Power from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Slots MachineRarePower2 (1)At the start of your turn, play 1 random card.
Spiker SolutionRareSkill5 (4)If the enemy has Thorns, set its HP to 0. Exhaust.
Spring WaterRareSkill1Return 3 (5) random cards from your Exhaust pile into your hand.

Bad Spire relics

Buffer SolutionCommonWhenever you obtain a potion, trigger its effect.Mimics fire potions by containing flammable liquid.
Ceramic FlowerCommonWhenever you add a curse into your deck, gain 25Gold.Non-Fungible.
Holographic FishCommonWhenever you add a colourless card into your deck, gain 13Gold.The memory of the fish from the future still gives you money.
Looking GlassCommonWhenever you play a card, Scry1.I think I've seen enough of the future to know where this is going.
Sleeping PillsCommonUpon pickup, remove 2random cards from your deck.What was I doing again?
Bottled Bottled BottleUncommonUpon pickup, give ALL cards in your deck Innate.Now you have ALL the bottles!
Bottled ElixirRareAt the start of each combat, you may exhaust any number of cards to gain that much [E] .The liquid level doesn't raise by a bit when you throw cards into it.
SandpaperRareStart each combat with 4Strength if your deck has no Attacks.What am I supposed to sharpen exactly?
The PrismBossUpon pickup, choose 5 cards from a pool of 6 cards from each colour to add to your deck and obtain PrismaticShard.Quit blinding me with that.
Ancient ScrollShopUpon pickup, add 5colourless cards into your deck.It's empty. Of course it's empty.

Bad Spire potions

Modern PotionCommonEnemy loses all Artefact.
Flash PotionCraftedGain 2 energy.
Mirage PotionCraftedGain 12Block.
Pace PotionCraftedDraw 3 cards.